3. Update White Label

3. Update White Label


This  POST  API is used to update the colors and support numbers as well as upload your favicon and cover image for white labeling the candidate test windows in your account. Only authorized accounts can use this API. To use this API, please contact your Account Manager.

Request Header

contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'

Request Body



This is your Public-API-Key, which Mettl uses to identify your account.


This is the current UNIX or Epoch Timestamp (the number of seconds between 1970-01-01 00:00:00 and current UTC Time). Any current generated Timestamp will be valid for 24 hours only.


This is a unique Signature which has to be generated  for each API request .

The Signature is generated by creating a String-to-Sign and hashing it with your Private-API-Key using the HMAC-SHA256 (for version v2 and v3) or HMAC-SHA1 (for v1) hashing algorithm with Base-64 and URL encoding.

Read more about the above Signature Generation Process in API Authentication and Signature Generation.


This is a JSON string containing the details the colors to be used for white labeling along with custom test URL of your account. The format for the JSON can found below.

 POST  request syntax:
Request URL:
Request Body:

Optional Request Body



The list of support numbers you want to update to your account. You can add up to 2 support numbers in the given JSON format.

eg. ["+1-650-924-9221" , "+91-82878-0340"]

 POST  request syntax:
Request URL:
Request Body:

Body Form-Data

Only supported in multipart/form-data requests. All form-data fields are irrelevant for the signature generation process.

Optional fields



This is the favicon icon or logo which appears in the browser tab. You can add an image file with the following properties-
  1. Accepted logo formats: png and ico
  2. Maximum logo size: 10 Kb
  3. Recommended size: 8x8px

This is the cover image which appears in the background before the test starts. You can add an image file with the following properties-
  1. Accepted logo formats: jpeg, jpg, png and gif
  2. Maximum logo size: 2 Mb
  3. Recommended size: 1920x1080px 

JSON ( wl )

Format of JSON string to be passed in query parameter  wl  can be found in the table below. This JSON describes the details of the details the colors to be used for white labeling along with custom test URL of your account.
Note: There are no mandatory  properties  for  wl  JSON below.

headerBackgroundColorBackground color of the header in your tests. This value is a string and accepts a valid Hex color code without the # symbol.
headerFontColorFont color of the header in your tests. This value is a string and accepts a valid Hex color code without the # symbol.
buttonColorBackground color of the buttons in your tests. This value is a string and accepts a valid Hex color code without the # symbol.
buttonFontColorFont color of the buttons in your tests. This value is a string and accepts a valid Hex color code without the # symbol.
customTestUrlCustom string following the URL "https://tests.mettl.com/" for accessing the tests in your account. This value is a string.

For easier readability, the sample  wl  JSONs below has pretty formatting, but in your actual request and for signature generation, they should be ideally minified.
Sample  wl  JSON with all properties:
"headerBackgroundColor": "4C4794",
"headerFontColor": "ffffff",
"buttonColor": "ef75ab",
"buttonFontColor": "ffffff",
"customTestUrl": "Company-Name"


Request without Signature
a.1.  POST  request URL, with request body  ak  ,  ts  ,  wl  and  sn  but without  asgn  (Signature)
Request URL:
Request Body:
ak=ab12c345-6789-0123-456d-78e9f0123456&ts=1635976200&wl={"headerBackgroundColor":"4C4794"}&sn=["+91-82878-0340"].2.  POST  request body with multipart/form-data  fav  and  cov 
fav: 'favicon.ico'
cov: 'cover.jpg'

b. Creating a String-to-Sign, calculated with Method + Endpoint + Request Bodyin new lines and in ascending order of the parameter name (i.e., the new line characters "\n" followed by values of  ak  ,  sn  ,  ts  and  wl  in order, for this example)
String-to-Sign = "POST" +  "https://api.mettl.com/v2/account/update-white-labeling"  + "\n" + "ab12c345-6789-0123-456d-78e9f0123456"  + "\n" + "["+91-82878-0340"]" + "\n" + "1635976200" + "\n" + "{"headerBackgroundColor":"4C4794"}"
c. Output of the String-to-Sign created above
d. Private-API-Key to sign/hash the above String-to-Sign using HMAC-SHA256 (since API version is v2)
e. Output of the generated Signature for  asgn  using the String-to-Sign and your Private-API-Key, hashed with HMAC-SHA256 (Base-64 and URL Encoded)
Read more about the above Signature Generation Process in API Authentication and Signature Generation

Request with Signature
f.1. Final  POST  request URL with request body  ak  ,  ts  ,  wl  ,  sn  and  asgn  (URL Encoded)
Request URL:
Request Body:
f.2.  POST  request body with multipart/form-data  fav  and  cov 
fav: 'favicon.ico'
cov: 'cover.jpg'


Upon making a successful request, if there are no errors, you will receive a JSON in the given format
    "status": "SUCCESS"