Type of questions supported on Mettl platform

Type of questions supported on Mercer | Mettl platform

Mercer | Mettl provides the freedom to the test administrator to create and add multiple types of questions to the assessment. The article explains various types of questions supported on Mercer | Mettl Platform.

The following are the types of questions supported on the platform:

1.Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

In the MCQ type, the test taker is provided with multiple answer choices out of which they can select any one option. Multiple choice tests can be an effective and simple way to measure learning. Multiple choice questions can be assessed automatically, providing students with prompt feedback. 

2.Checkbox Question 

In the checkbox type question, the test taker can select either one or more than one option. This is automatically evaluated based on the weightage assigned to each answer option. 

3. Short Answer Question 

In the short answer question type. The test taker can enter the response in the box. Short answer questions (or SAQs)  are generally questions that require students to construct a response. Short answer questions are concise and focused response that may be informative or a combination of the two.

4. Fill in the Blank Question

In fill in the blanks question type, the test taker must write one word in the blank space provided. A Fill in the blanks test asesses the learner's ability to understand context, vocabulary or grammatical concepts in order to correctly replace the missing pieces of text.

5. Long Answer Question 

 Long Answer are the written response questions which require the respondents to write answers for open-ended questions. Responses can be given using multiple sentences, paragraphed answers. This question type addresses the use cases that evaluate the test-takers' written communication skills. These types of questions are graded manually. In the long answer question, the test taker can upload the document also on enabling the option to allow file upload.


6. Upload Type Question

Test-takers can upload data files by selecting the blue highlighted tab “Select File” in response to the question.

7. Diagram Types Question
Test-takers can create diagrams in response to this question. Diagram questions aim to assess a candidate's skills in creating class diagrams. The candidates can create simple or complex diagrams as required, and the examiners can view them for evaluation.

8.Backend Programming Environment (Code Snippet Question)

Mercer | Mettl's general-purpose backend programming environment or Code Lysis has a user-friendly interface that includes a coding window for writing and editing code, a compiler for compiling and running the code, and test cases for evaluating its functionality. Additionally, it supports a wide range of programming languages and has various intuitive features that assist test takers to write efficient codes and customize the coding editor as per their preference. 

9.Application Based Environment (App Development Question)

Mercer | Mettl’s application development environment or Code Project is used to assess the development skills of a test-taker such as writing codes, organizing files, and connecting to databases within an IDE. There exist key components such as an IDE, a project explorer interface in a tree-like structure for easy navigation of files, and database connectivity where a test-taker's programming skills with underlying data storage can be easily evaluated. 
Currently, C, CPP, Java, and C# along with MySQL, Oracle SQL, and SQL Server databases are the languages supported by Code Project Simulator. 

10.Database Query Environment (Database Query Question)

Mercer | Mettl's database query environment or DBLysis offers key components for query writing, query execution, test case evaluation, and output viewing along with various features that help test-takers adapt to the interface and enable them in writing efficient as well as optimized queries. 

11.Front-end Environment (Front End Coding Question)

Mercer | Mettl's front-end programming environment or FES includes key components such as a coding window with separate tabs for writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript codes, a results tab that shows the output of the written code in real-time and various other features that help evaluate the front-end development skills of test-takers and assess their capability to implement web designs. 

12. Case Study Type Question 

Case Study questions are used to assess a candidate's caliber to assess a particular business case scenario.

13. Typing Simulator Question Type 

The typing speed test establishes the baseline to increase the speed and improve the accuracy. In Mercer| Mettl’s typing simulator question, we can add a few reference lines. For the weightage, we can set the typing accuracy and the typing speed. To know the average typing speed of the test taker the WPM (words per minute) can be set.  

14. R Development Environment (RStudio Question)

The interface of Mercer | Mettl's R development environment includes key components such as a coding window for writing and editing code, a compiler for executing the code in the console output tab, test cases for evaluating the code's functionality, and various other features which make it easier for the test takers to adapt to the interface and focus on solving the problem at hand.

15. Audio Recording Question 

The audio recording question will enable us to understand the test takers’ communication skills, thinking ability, pronunciation and fluency.
In Mettl’s audio recording type of a question, we have an option to add thinking time, which is a preparatory time for the test takers before the actual recording starts. We can set the test takers audio time limit in minutes or seconds. Replaying the response option for the test taker is also available. 


16. Video Recording Question Type 

In Mercer|Mettl’s video recording types of questions, the test-taker will be given a preparatory time (which can be customized). The test-taker's recording time limit can be set, and we can also allow the candidate to record the response. 

17.Project-based Development Environment (Project Based Question)

Mercer | Mettl's project-based development environment or I/O is a comprehensive project-based real-world application development platform. The problem statements on I/O can be auto graded, eliminating the need for manual interventions. Test-takers can be assessed on specific technology stacks such as React, Angular, SpringBoot, and Full stack technologies such as MEAN and MERN.