The interface of Mettl's R programming environment (R Simulator) includes many components such as a coding window for writing and editing code, a compiler for executing the code in the console output tab, test cases for evaluating the code's functionality, and various other features which make it easier for the test takers to adapt to the interface and focus on solving the problem at hand.

This article aims to give the test taker a look and feel of the simulator and resolve any queries that they might have with respect to the user interface.
This section gives a guided tour to the test taker on how to use the simulator.
It starts automatically as soon as the assessment begins, and test-takers can revisit it anytime by clicking on the How to attempt button on the left side of the page, above the problem statement.
Problem Statement
The problem statement contains a scenario wherein the test taker must identify the approach which can be used and the statements/code that can be written to arrive at a solution for the question.
Code Editor
In the programming section of the simulator, test takers are provided with a designated area where they can write, edit and test their solution to the coding question.
Note : The editor might have some pre-written code template as well.
The test-taker can switch to the Plots tab to view the graph plots generated by their code. To view the plots, they must use in their code.
In case of multiple plots generated, the test-takers are provided with buttons to navigate between them.
Run Code
The test-takers can click on the Run Code button to run their code in the console and check if it executes perfectly or not. If there are any errors, they will be displayed in the console tab. The test-takers can type commands directly into the console also, but they will not be a part of their submitted code and hence will not be considered for grading.
View Results
After writing their code, the test-takers can click on the Check Answer button to compile and run their code against the defined test-cases. The results of the test cases will be displayed in the results tab.
All the test cases hold a grade that will be awarded to the test taker on the passing of that test case. The sum of all the grades awarded from the passing of different test cases is considered the final grade for that question. The test taker has the option to make edits to their code and execute it as many times as they wish and finally submit their code.
Editor Features
There are various features around the editor that the test-taker can access. By clicking on the full-screen button, the text editor shifts to the left side of the page providing the test-takers with a larger area for writing their codes and viewing their results. This view is highly recommended as it provides the test-taker with ease in writing code.
Some other editor features include Dark Mode, Reset Editor, Editor Tabs, etc.
Test-takers can leverage these options and create an environment that lets them code more efficiently.