Test Admin Resume the Test Taker(s) Test

Test Admin Resume the Test Taker(s) Test

What is an expired Test? 

The test-takers who did not finish the assessment by clicking on the “Finish Test” button, but either closed the test window by mistake or faced a power cut/internet failure, due to which their test(s) was automatically submitted after 30 mins of getting disconnected from the Mercer | Mettl server. 

Resume Test Taker’s Assessment: 

  1. A plug icon will appear in front of those test-takers, whose tests are expired.  Follow the below steps to resume a test-taker's test:   
  2. Log in to the respective account. 
  3. Select the assessment that the test-taker attempted. 
  4. Click on test-takers by moving the cursor on the test. Now we can see all the test-takers there, who have taken the assessment. 
The plug icon shows all those test-takers, whose assessments are expired. We can also filter the Test Takers whose test got expired by selecting the Expired Test Takers Filter from the “Status Summary” tile next to “Test Overview” tile. 

  1. After selecting the check box next to the respective test-takers click on “Allow Resume.” 
  2. After clicking on “Allow Resume”, a notification will be sent to the test-takers if this option is enabled.  

  1. If the option is enabled, the following mail will be triggered to the respective test-takers. 

  1.  Ask the test-takers to use the same login Credentials to resume their assessments. 
For the Test Taker(s) who are given permission for the resume, the plug for them would turn grey. 
To know more, watch the video-