Test takers can take Mercer | Mettl assessments via native iOS and Android applications. On mobile devices, some assessments can be taken via both the mobile web-browser and the Mercer | Mettl mobile app while some assessments will be restricted to either the web-browser or the app. This depends on the test administrators and the settings configured by them.
To take an assessment via the Mercer | Mettl iOS app you need to have it installed on your iOS device. In case you don’t have the app already installed on your device, follow the links below to get.
Please make sure that you are running the latest version of the app available on the App Store to ensure best assessment taking experience.
Once you have the app installed, tap on the Mercer | Mettl app icon to launch the app.
Once the app has launched and you are on the welcome screen, tap on “Get Started” to enter the app home screen.
On the home screen you will be presented with the following two options:
- Take Assessment:
Tap on this option in-case you want to take a Mecer | Mettl assessment via the app.
- Link Device:
Choose this option in-case you want to link your mobile device to an assessment which is already in progress on some other device. This feature is for assessments requiring test-takers to capture and upload images as part of their assessment submission.
In-order to take an assessment, once you have chosen the “Take Assessment” option, you will be asked to enter your test invitation key. In case the invitation key has been shared with you by your test administrator, you can enter the same here. In case a test URL has been shared with you, refer to the alphanumeric characters appearing towards the end of the URL to get your test key.
For example, consider the following test URL:
The test invitation key of this URL is “sample1234”.
Once you have entered the test invitation key, tap on “Validate Key” to confirm if the entered key is valid.
In-case you get an invalid invitation key error, please check your key, and try again. If you get the same error again, please check with your test administrator. In-case you get any other error, please contact Mercer | Mettl support.
If you enter a valid invitation key, you will see a check mark appear next to the key. A “Proceed” button will also appear towards the bottom of the screen. Tap on this button to launch your assessment.

Before starting an assessment, please make sure that you have enough battery available for the duration of the assessment. Battery usage will depend on the assessment configuration set by your test administrator. Proctoring enabled assessment will consume more battery. In-case you have poor battery life, connect your charger, and keep charging your device during the assessment.
Once the assessment has launched, the assessment welcome screen will load on your app. You can go through the provided assessment details and tap on “Proceed” when done.
The app will then perform diagnostics based on the assessment requirements. As per the test configurations set by your test administrator, you may see the app requesting for the following permissions.
- Camera and Microphone
Tap “Allow” to grant this permission to the app. In-case your device has multiple cameras, you will be asked to select the camera to be used during the assessment. Make sure to select your front-facing camera, and ensure your complete face is visible. You may get disqualified in case you face is not visible properly during the assessment.
- Screen Capture
Tap on “Start Screen Capture” button to start capturing the device screen. You may see an iOS system pop-up notifying you about the same. Click on “Start Now” to continue.
Once you have provided the app with the required permissions, you will see the test registration fields asking you to fill-in information as requested by your test administrator. Proceed with the instructions presented on the screen to start your assessment.