Enable SecureProctor LTI in Blackboard Learn

Blackboard is a leading EdTech company serving higher education, K-12, business and government clients around the world. We connect a deep understanding of education with the power of technology to continuously push the boundaries of learning.
This article explains how you can enable SecureProctor on a Quiz inside a Course on a Blackboard Learn LMS. 
Reach out to your Account Manager for the LTI keys specific to your account.
Note: Currently Blackboard Learn v3800.17.0+ is supported with SecureProctor
SecureProctor Terminology
Group Name : In SecureProctor, the group name is the group under which candidates registered under a course on LMS are registered on SecureProctor.
In other words, after integration, course name and Quiz name on LMS is the Group name on SecureProctor
User ID : User ID is used to uniquely identify a candidate, on SecureProctor. After integration, the Email ID of the candidate on LMS becomes User ID on SecureProctor.
Public key : Public key of the client's account on SecureProctor
Private key : Private key of the client’s account on SecureProctor
To setup the SecureProctor tool follow the following steps:
- Login to your Blackboard Learn LMS instance
- Go to the System Admin
- Select LTI Tool Providers.

- Click on Register Provider Domain and enter the following Details:
- Enter the Provider Domain as, “lti-mpaas.mettl.com”
- Select the Domain Provider Status - Approved
- Select the “Define Globally” settings as the Default setting
- Tool Provider key: Public key //Will be provided by Mettl
- Tool Provider Secret: Private key //Will be provided by Mettl
- For the Submit User data section, select the “Send user data over any connection” option.
- Select Role in the Course, Name and Email address as the User fields to send
- Click on Submit
- Now the Tool will be available in the list of LTI Tool Providers.
Go to the SecureProctor tool and select the Manage Placements option for the tool created and click on “Create Placements” and Enter the Following settings:
- Label: SecureProctor
- Handle: SecureProctor //can be anything as per your requirement
- Availability: Yes
- Select the Type as Course Content Tool
- Tool Provider URL: https://lti-mpaas.mettl.com/lti/login
- Tool Provider key: Public key //Will be provided by Mettl
- Tool Provider Secret: Private key //Will be provided by Mettl
- Click on Submit
SecureProctor external LTI tool is now ready to be used in the courses on your Blackboard Learn LMS.
Setting up the Proctoring on a Quiz via SecureProctor
- Go to the Content section of the Course where you want to enable SecureProctor.
- Click on the Build Content Dropdown and select the SecureProctor tool created and add it into the course.

Logging into the SecureProctor Chrome Extension
To login into SecureProctor Chrome Extension, the instructor simply needs to click on the SecureProctor tool added into the course, and they will be auto logged into it.
Not Logged in State:
Logged in State:
Setting up SecureProctor inside a Quiz:
Once you have successfully logged inside the SecureProctor chrome extension, to enable SecureProctor in a quiz follow the following steps:
- Go to the "Edit the test options" setting of the Quiz where you want to enable SecureProctor
- Inside the settings, you will find the SecureProctor toggle switch, turning it on will enable SecureProctor inside the Quiz.
- After turning the Switch on, additional settings of SecureProctor can be turned on/off depending upon the stake of the exam. Also the link for SecureProctor Chrome Extension is added inside the Quiz Description for the convenience of students.

- Capture Candidate Screen: Setting to capture test taker's screen in form of screenshots at regular interval. Images are attached in the report.
- a) Store Recorded Video: Setting to capture test taker's screen in form of video for the whole duration of the test. Video is attached in the report.
b) Enable Audio Proctoring: Setting to capture speech/audio in the test environment. The reocrding is analysed for no of speakers, duration of their speech and their individual speech notes. Analysis is included in report. - Candidate Authorisation: Setting to enable manual authorization, if this setting is passed as true, then-candidate will have to undergo manual authorization.
- Full Screen Mode: Setting to enable the test window in full screen to disable multi window cheating scienarios.
- Navigation Control: Proctoring setting to enable test taker lockdown mode.
- Restrict Chrome Extensions: Proctoring setting to disable all Chrome Extensions installed on a candidate machine, except the Mettl Chrome Extensions, for the duration of the exam. The Chrome Extensions get re-enabled after the Quiz gets over.
Quiz Restriction Settings
- After enabling SecureProctor, you need to setup a Password for the Quiz. This setting is made a prerequisite for the Quiz if SecureProctor is enabled, as it makes sure candidates are not able to launch the quiz without proctoring.
- Once the settings are marked, and the password is set, click on Submit. Now the quiz is proctoring enabled.
You have now successfully enabled Proctoring on a Quiz on BlackBoard Learn.