Individual Reports can be set up through either a setting present at the account level or at survey level also. On the top right corner, an option called ‘Setup Reports’ is present.
After selecting the template in which the changes are to be done, the configuration can be set up for that report. Any changes made to the survey level report setting are applicable to all new surveys created using this template.
However, any changes made to the survey level template is applicable to the specific survey only. This can be accessed from the ‘Report Setup’ tab choosing the option of Report Configuration. Since more settings are available at survey level compared to the account level, we will deep dive into the survey level settings in this article.
On landing on the ‘Report Configuration’ option, for single language surveys, the below page appears. If the survey is multi-lingual, then on selection of the language for which the report template is being updated, the below page appears.
Below are the options available in this tab for configuring the reports:
- Select Cover Page Layout: The cover page of the report can be configured from here. Choose from the available options or upload an image of your own choice. Text alignment and color on the Cover page can also be modified here.
- Individual Report Display Font: Choose the font for the report from the 15 supported fonts listed here.
- Show Ratings on a Scale of: Choose the rating scale for the reports. Any scale from 5 to 100 can be configured from here.
- Exclude Self ratings from all Average ratings of the Report: Use this option to exclude the ratings of Feedback Seekers of the survey from all the calculations where average scores are displayed.
- Exclude Others ratings head from all Average ratings of the Report: Use this option to exclude the header ‘Others’ from the reports, which shows the aggregated ratings after excluding Self ratings from the survey.
- Heading for Table of Contents: Configure a new name for the ‘Table of Contents’ from here.
- Custom Report Section ordering: Choose the order in which all the sections appear in the reports.
- Show Respondent Summary: Use this to configure whether a summary of respondents for the Feedback Seeker needs to be shown in their reports or not. You can also define if Feedback Providers’ details need to be shown.
- Show High and Low Scores: Configure this to show the variance in scores seen in Competency and question level average ratings across relationships.
- Show number of responses: Configure this option to show the total number of feedback providers who filled the survey for the seeker from various relationships.
- Custom Page Insertion: Use this option to insert a maximum of 2 custom pages into the report. Each custom page can be multiple pages. Tables and Images can also be inserted into the custom pages.
Introduction Page:
Below are the options available in this tab for configuring the reports:
- Include Introduction Page: Use this option to enable/disable the Introduction Page of the report. The title and description of the page can also be provided from here.
Below are the options available in this tab for configuring the reports:
- Competency Rename & Reorder: The Competencies being evaluated in the survey can be renamed from here. Their order of appearing in the report can also be configured from here.
- Show section for Overall ratings in reports: To show Overall ratings on various report sections such as Competency Synopsis, Competency Summary, Meta Competency etc., this setting can be configured.
- Show Competency Synopsis: Use this option to enable/disable the Competency Synopsis in the report. The title and description of the page can also be provided from here.
- Show Competency Summary: Use this option to enable/disable the Competency Summary in the report. The title and description of the page can also be provided from here.
- Show Meta Competency: Use this option to enable/disable the Meta Competency Grouping or/and Meta Competency Summary in the report. The title and description of the respective pages can also be provided from here. Please note that either the Competency Summary or the Meta Competency Summary can be enabled in the report.
- Show Spider Chart: Use this option to enable/disable the Spider Charts in the report. The title and description of the page can also be provided from here. A maximum of 2 spider charts can be enabled in the reports:
- Spider Chart by Individual Competencies
- Spider Chart by Meta Competency
Strengths and Area of Improvement:
Below are the options available in this tab for configuring the reports:
- Competency Wise Evaluation Summary (Johari Window) -All the survey statements can be bifurcated into a quadrant on comparing the ratings received by Self relationship and all Other relationships. The statements with the maximum alignment or maximum variance in terms of ratings received are then put into a quadrant, commonly known as the Johari Window. By default, this cut-off is set at 70% and is configurable. Below is a description of what role it plays in a survey.

- Strengths: A statement (question) is marked as a Strength if Self-rating AND the average ratings of all Others raters is greater than or equal to 70% of the maximum rating.
- Areas of Improvement: A statement (question) is marked as an Area of Improvement if Self-rating AND the average ratings of all Others raters is less than 70% of the maximum rating.
- Hidden Strengths: A statement (question) is marked as a Hidden Strength if Self-rating is less than 70% of the maximum rating AND the average rating of all Others raters is greater than or equal to 70% of the maximum rating.
- Blind Spots: A statement (question) is marked as a Blind Spot if Self-rating is greater than or equal to 70% of the maximum rating AND the average rating of all Others raters is less than 70% of the maximum rating.
- Top Strengths & Top Areas of Improvement:
- All the statements (questions) asked in the survey are arranged in ascending order of the average score received for the statements from all survey participants.
- All statements above a specific threshold (toggle set at 50% by default, can be modified) are classified as Top Strengths and all statements below the threshold are classified as Top Areas of Improvement.
- However, some clients need to mandatorily show some statements as Top Strengths & Top Areas of Improvement. They can choose to switch the toggle off in that case. We automatically show the top statements in the Top Strengths section and bottom statements in the Top Areas of Improvement section. We make sure that statements are not repeated in any of the 2 sections here since no cut-off has been provided.
- The maximum count of statements to be shown in each section can be defined. This is set to 5 by default and can go up to 10 statements.
Detailed Feedbacks:
Below are the options available in this tab for configuring the reports:
- Show Open Ended feedback: This setting can be configured to show the Open-ended feedback verbatim comments received for the survey statements. These statements can be bifurcated either by Relationship, Self & Others, or without any bifurcation also. The title and description of the page can also be provided from here.
- Show Detailed Statement-wise Feedback: Use this option to enable/disable the Detailed Feedback section in the reports. The title and description of the page can also be provided from here.
Development Plan:
Below are the options available in this tab for configuring the reports:
- Show Development Plan: Use this option to enable/disable the Development Plan section in the reports. The title and description of the page can also be provided from here. The cut-off rating can also be set for each Competency below which the development plan must be shown in the report for that competency. Incase no competency falls below the threshold but you still need to show a development plan, then that set up can also be done.
Comparison Ratings:
Below are the options available in this tab for configuring the reports:
- Select survey(s) for Rating comparison: Configure the closed surveys in the client account with which comparison of ratings need to be done. Surveys using the same template can be selected to see the change in ratings received over the time when this survey was conducted.
- Enable Comparison Rating: Competency Summary: Use this option to enable/disable the Competency Summary level rating comparisons section in the reports. The title and description of the page can also be provided from here.