Keka is a simple and intuitive HR software unlike the traditional HR systems. Product made with love and passion to solve the real pain points of the HR world.
Enable the Keka / Mettl integration
To enable the integration, your organization must have an Enterprise account with Mettl.
On clicking on Send Assessment, a side pop up window will then open allowing you to configure and send the assessment. From the Select Assessment dropdown, you may choose from one of your assessments in your Mercer | Mettl account. You may also change the test link expiration field value (in days) as per your requirement.
Candidates will then receive an email with the test link mentioning the deadline by when they need to submit the assessment.
Upon sending an assessment successfully, you will be able to see a section for assessments in the Score Card section of a candidate’s profile where the status you will be able to see the status as:
- Pending – when the candidate is yet to start the assessment.
- In Progress – when the candidate is currently taking the assessment.
- Completed – when the candidate has completed the assessment and submitted it.
On successful completion of assessment, an option to View Report will be available for that candidate. On clicking the View Report button, you will be shown the graded report of the candidate.
On successful completion of the assessment, the candidate will receive an acknowledgement email, and the user who scheduled the assessment will be also receive an email with the link to the report.
You may also access a dedicated report view for your Mercer | Mettl assessments via Reports > Assessment report.
This report allows to filter the assessments initiated through Keka Hire for a particular date range, job title and status. For candidates who have already submitted the assessment, you may also access their report from this view.