Clients now have the flexibility to configure their own report elements and ensure Mercer | Mettl reports are in line with the client's branding strategy. In this article we focus on capabilities to customize Mercer | Mettl report as well as understand various parameters/filters available while evaluating a test-takers report.
1. How to Customize Report Template
- To access the report template, go to "Global Settings" by clicking on Account Settings. Configurations undertaken are applied to all reports in an account and are not specific to any assessment or report.

- Post clicking on global settings, the screen below will appear, click on "Configure Report Template".
iii. User would now arrive at the below screen where report templates can be managed. The below screen presents templates namely under two headers:
- Pre-Built Templates: Templates under this section are created and managed by the Mercer | Mettl team.
- My Templates: Templates under this section are created and managed by the client.
iii. When we select Configure Report Template page. We have to select the default report edit option.

Note : To add a new template under the header "My templates", account admin can choose to make a copy of the templates shown in Pre-Built template section
iv. Click on the highlighted area as shown in the above Image to edit any specific template under the section "My template". Post clicking on edit, a user would arrive on the screen shown below. Below images will through report configuration capabilities.
v. To upload cover Images manually, click on "My Library" and select "Add Image".
vi. Enter "Test Name" and "Test Tags" which are required fields to upload an image. Upload the Image from the system and press "Close".
vii. Uploaded Image can be in .jpg, .jpeg and .png format with up to a maximum size of 5 MB.
vii. Once uploaded the cover Image will be visible under the section "My Library" and can be selected and applied to all assessments.
2. How To Customize Report Parameters
i. On “My Tests "page, we will select the assessment then we will select “Test Takers” option.
ii. The below screen appears. Now, we will select the first name of the “test-taker”.
iii. Post clicking on the first name of the test-taker, the “Test-Takers Report” page will be opened in a new tab. To customize the report, select on the icon beside know more about reports. Now, click on the dropdown option “Advance Settings”.
iv. Account admin or users with the required permissions can edit report parameters by simply enabling/disabling the fields as shown below.
Note :
"Only me" in highlighted parameters shows the results only to account admin and users with required permissions while accessing the PDF or HTML formats of report.
"Share with All" in highlighted parameters shows the results to everyone accessing the report in PDF and HTML formats.