Guidelines for the Interviewer

Guidelines for the Interviewer

As an interviewer, you will receive an e-mail from with the details of the interview. The e-mail would be in the following format:

Click on the test link at the time of the interview, the following screen appears:

Enter the pin you received in the e-mail and click on the Launch Interview tab to start the interview:

The above image is a sample of how the interview screen looks to the interviewer. Please refer the image above to understand the meaning of each tab as numbered:

  1. Applicant Details: Displays the e-mail ID and the name of the applicant.
  2. Grading:  Rate the applicant on the basis of the various competencies listed.
  3. Notes:  Add personal notes regarding the interview, they are not visible to the applicant.
  4. Timer:  Displays the time for which the interview has been running.
  5. Applicant Status: Displays if the applicant is online or not.
  6. Collaborative Simulators: There are various simulators provided to interact with the applicant to test the competency of the applicant, the applicant can be tested on coding skills, the diagram simulator and the notepad.
  7. Call:  Click on the call button to start a video call with the applicant.
  8. Chat: Type in your message to have a chat with the applicant.

Click on FINISH INTERVIEW when the same is finished.


Once you have finished the interview, you will be redirected to the following page:

Refer the below points to understand each tab:

1. You are required to provide the final thoughts for the applicant under the following options:

  • Shortlist
  • Not Sure
  • Reject

2. Provide your feedback for the applicant.

3. Rate the applicant on the basis of the performance in the interview.

Click on SUBMIT to enter your feedback