Key | Value |
ak | This is your Public-API-Key, which Mettl uses to identify your account. |
ts | This is the current UNIX or Epoch Timestamp (the number of seconds between 1970-01-01 00:00:00 and current UTC Time). Any current generated Timestamp will be valid for 24 hours only. |
asgn | This is a unique Signature which has to be generated for each API request. The Signature is generated by creating a String-to-Sign and hashing it with your Private-API-Key using the HMAC-SHA256 (for version v2 and v3) or HMAC-SHA1 (for v1) hashing algorithm with Base-64 and URL encoding. Read more about the above Signature Generation Process in API Authentication and Signature Generation. |
Query Parameter | Description |
qr | Enables sending responses for essay questions where manual grading is required. You can input either true or false, with the default value being false. |
limit | Number of candidate status and results to fetch from your schedule/ test link. You can input a value from 1 to 100, with the default value being 20. Only available in v3. |
offset | Returns the list of candidate status and results starting from the offset position. You can input a value from 0 to 1 less than the total number of the specified candidates status and results in your account, with the default value being 0. Only available in v3. |
Overall Status | Detailed Status | Description |
Yet to Start | Mapped | Test-takers have been added to a test-link via candidate banks or manual entry, but an email hasn’t been sent. |
Yet to Start | Invited | Test-taker has been invited for the test via email. |
Yet to Start | Registered | Test-taker has registered by clicking on proceed/submit button on the test-taker portal. |
Not Started | Access Expired | 1-Test-taker didn't start the test and access time elapsed. 2- Test-taker has registered by saving registration fields on test-taker portal but didn’t start the test and access time elapsed. 3- In case of deadline-based assessments, this status will be displayed when submission date is elapsed. |
In-progress | In-progress | Test –taker has started the test |
In-progress | Awaiting Resume Permission | Test-taker got disconnected and is awaiting resume permission from admin (if Supervised resume is enabled). |
Completed | Test-taker completed | Test-taker clicked on the Finish button to submit the test. |
Completed | Time Over | The test was auto-submitted as the test-taker ran out of time. |
Test Stopped | Mic Mute Limit exceeded | The test was stopped because of exceeding mic mute count. |
Test Stopped | Browsing Tolerance Limit Exceeded | The test was stopped because of exceeding Browsing Tolerance. |
Test Stopped | Proctor Stopped | Proctor stopped the test. |
Test Stopped | Suspicious Software Detected | The test was stopped because of suspicious software. |
Test Stopped | Multiple Screen Detected | The test was stopped because of multiple screens detected. |
Test Stopped | Prohibited Apps Running | The test was stopped because of prohibited apps running. |
Test Stopped | Screen Capture/Recording Detected | The test was stopped because of screen capture/recording. |
Test Stopped | Screen Sharing/Remote Access Detected | The test was stopped because of screen share/remote access. |
Blocked | Authorizer Blocked | The authorizer blocked the test-taker from starting the test. |
Disconnected | Disconnected from Server | The test-taker got disconnected because of power failure/bad internet and couldn't resume within 30 minutes. |
Disconnected | Test Window Closed | Test-taker closed the window and navigated away from the screen. Test-taker didn't resume the test in 30 mins. |
Disconnected | Awaiting Test-taker Resume | The test-taker got disconnected and admin resumed the test (normal resume). |
completionMode (in API Response) | Test Finish Mode (in Candidate Reports) | Description |
AutoCompleted | Auto Submit | Test Time finished before candidate could attempt all questions. |
NA | Blocked | Candidate blocked at the authorization stage (For Proctored Test with Authorization On). |
BrowsingToleranceExceeded | Browsing Tolerance Exceeded | When browsing tolerance is set and test taker navigates away from the test window more than the permissible number or times (browsing tolerance limit). |
Expired | Expired | If candidate gets disconnect (Loss of internet connection, etc) or his/her system shuts down abruptly and he/she is unable to resume the test. |
Completed | Normal | Finish Test button Clicked. |
ParentFinished | Normal | The background parent window is closed. |
ProctoredFinish | Proctored Finish | Image Proctored Test ended by Proctor. |
ResumeEnabled | Resume Enabled | Candidate allowed to resume tests from same point where test got over, only can be done if initial status was Expired. |
SuspiciousSoftwareFinish | Suspicious Software Finish | Suspicious Software detected Eg TeamViewer, SplashTop etc also found running and Mettl automatically closes test. |
CandidateClosed | Test Window Closed | Test Window Closed without clicking on Finish Test. |