4. Get All PBTs

4. Get All PBTs


This  GET  API is used to fetch the list and details of all Pre Built Tests available with Mercer | Mettl. This includes PBT Id, name, short and long description, URL, price, sample report URL, relevant industries, and any keywords or tags associated with the same.

Query Parameters

In our REST APIs, Query Parameters have to be URL encoded as the data is being transmitted in the request URL. This is especially important for the  asgn  parameter and any parameters with JSON as they always contain characters that need to be URL encoded. Since  ak  and  ts   parameters don't contain any characters that need to be URL encoded, URL encoding of these parameters can be skipped.

Mandatory parameters



This is your Public-API-Key, which Mettl uses to identify your account.


This is the current UNIX or Epoch Timestamp (the number of seconds between 1970-01-01 00:00:00 and current UTC Time). Any current generated Timestamp will be valid for 24 hours only.


This is a unique Signature which has to be generated for each API request  .

The Signature is generated by creating a String-to-Sign and hashing it with your Private-API-Key using the HMAC-SHA256 (for version v2 and v3) or HMAC-SHA1 (for v1) hashing algorithm with Base-64 and URL encoding.

Read more about the above Signature Generation Process in API Authentication and Signature Generation.

 GET  request syntax with mandatory parameters:


Request without Signature
a.  GET  request URL, with queries  ak  and  ts  but without  asgn  (Signature)

b. Creating a String-to-Sign, calculated with Method + Endpoint + Values of query parametersin new lines and in ascending order of the parameter name (i.e., the new line characters "\n" followed by values of  ak  and  ts  in order, for this example)
String-to-Sign = "GET" +  "https://api.mettl.com/v2/pbts"  + "\n" + "ab12c345-6789-0123-456d-78e9f0123456"  + "\n" + "1635976200"
c. Output of the String-to-Sign created above
d. Private-API-Key to sign/hash the above String-to-Sign using HMAC-SHA256 (since API version is v2)
e. Output of the generated Signature for  asgn  using the String-to-Sign and your Private-API-Key, hashed with HMAC-SHA256 (Base-64 and URL Encoded)
Read more about the above Signature Generation Process in API Authentication and Signature Generation

Request with Signature
f. Final  GET  request URL with queries  ak  ,  ts  and  asgn  (URL Encoded)


Upon making a successful request, if there are no errors, you will receive a JSON in the given format. In the given response, details for only 4 PBTs are included, but in your actual response you will receive details for the all the PBTs available with Mercer | Mettl at that moment.
"status": "SUCCESS",
"pbts": [
"pbtId": 794,
"name": "Mettl Personality Profiler",
"pageUrl": "mettl-personality-profile-test",
"price": 12,
"description": "<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align:justify\">The Mettl Personality Profiler measures an individual&rsquo;s strengths and growth opportunities based on underlying personality traits and workstyle preferences, and aid in understanding what behaviors a candidate is likely to engage in as a result of their preferences and predispositions. &nbsp;It can be used in combination with other tools to provide a more holistic understanding of the individual&rsquo;s pre-dispositions,&nbsp;as well as behavioral manifestations at the workplace.</p>\n\n<h3 dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align:justify\"><strong>Use this test for:</strong></h3>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align:justify\">While it can be used as a filtration tool, it can also be used as key input into critical HR decisions such as:</p>\n\n<ol dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Learning and Development - understand the current proficiency level of employee; train and develop employees effectively</li>\n\t<li style=\"text-align:justify\">Identification of High Potential - have a healthy pipeline of future leaders</li>\n\t<li style=\"text-align:justify\">Succession Planning - fast-track high potential to retain them</li>\n</ol>\n",
"heroMessage": "Personality Development Test - Assess key personality traits for Hiring",
"keywords": "",
"releventIndustries": "infotech,ites,fmcg,bfs,insurance,hospitality,retails,manufacturing,healthcare",
"tags": []
"pbtId": 1336,
"name": "Mettl Leadership Assessment",
"pageUrl": "leadership-qualities-assessment-test",
"price": 12,
"description": "<p>Leadership is an essential function of the management that helps enhance productivity by bringing out the best in others. Driving organizational success by achieving goals, making risky and tough decisions, surpassing the competition, and motivating team members to perform their best are just some of many important functions of the leadership in any company. Influential leaders devise unique ways for their teams to work in a concerted manner and achieve goals collectively.</p>\n\n<p>Mercer | Mettl&#39;s leadership assessment is specifically designed to help bring those competencies to the fore that a leader is expected to possess. A recruiter/hiring manager can determine how well a candidate may fit into specific leadership roles and hire only the best-fit talent.</p>\n\n<p>In the present scenario, companies need leaders who don&#39;t shy away from taking risks and taking smart business decisions to address challenges in the organization. In the current competitive world, companies require leaders who are able to solve complicated problems, identify business opportunities, and make strategically sound choices to address global challenges.</p>\n\n<h3><strong>The dire need for leadership psychometric tests</strong></h3>\n\n<p>When the roles in the current business environment have become highly specialized, and expertise has taken precedence over experience, psychometric assessments have become indispensable in these times. <strong>Leadership psychometric tests</strong> help identify exemplary leadership qualities and are an infallible indicator of an individual&#39;s professional capabilities. These leadership tests also gauge existing employees&#39; skills and identify any skill gaps based on the different companies&#39; changing needs.</p>\n\n<p>Recruiters use Mercer Mettl&#39;s specially crafted <strong>leadership psychometric tests</strong> to streamline their recruitment drives and enable them to manage workforce development strategies quickly and efficiently. From cognitive assessments to personality assessments, Mercer | Mettl can provide you powerful evaluation tools to assess and filter the prospective candidates for the job opportunities. These tests are unbiased and objective, which makes the hiring process transparent and effective.</p>\n",
"heroMessage": "Online Leadership Assessment to Measure Crucial Leadership Skills: Assessment for Better Leadership Hiring",
"keywords": null,
"releventIndustries": "infotech,healthcare,ites,bfs,insurance,fmcg,hospitality,retails,manufacturing",
"tags": [
"useCaseName": "Others",
"useCaseSubTags": {}
"pbtId": 1255,
"name": "Mettl High Potential Assessment",
"pageUrl": "high-potential-employees-identification-test",
"price": 12,
"description": "<p style=\"text-align:justify\"><strong>Definition of High Potential</strong></p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align:justify\">High potentials are part of the broader pool of top talent in any organization. High potential employees possess higher intellect, drive, agility to learn, grow and develop themselves to handle broader and complex future work challenges, responsibilities and have a higher chance of becoming successful leaders in the future. As per our research, we identified four core and unique factors which define High potential employees:</p>\n\n<p><img alt=\"\" src=\"https://mettl.com/uploads/174565/e8bcd038-b391-4fec-ada2-41b2dd243f9c.png\" style=\"float:left; height:358px; width:850px\" /></p>\n",
"heroMessage": "Identify and develop your High Potential employees",
"keywords": "High Potential, Potential",
"releventIndustries": "infotech,healthcare,bfs,ites,insurance,fmcg,hospitality,retails,manufacturing",
"tags": []
"pbtId": 1176,
"name": "Mettl Managerial Potential Assessment",
"pageUrl": "management-aptitude-assessment-test",
"price": 12,
"description": "<h3><strong>Used As A Screening Tool To Hire For Managerial Positions</strong></h3>\n\n<p>After several client interactions and team surveys, we have inferred that it takes a dynamic manager to understand the team and organizational dynamics. As &quot;employees do not leave their organization, they leave their manager&quot;. So, a manager&#39;s role is critical, as the person has to act as a bridge between the employees and the leadership team, and coordinate with his team for optimal productivity.</p>\n\n<p>This test will help in profiling an employee&#39;s behavioral skills and judge his/her on managerial competencies. Broadly, this test focuses on measuring the candidate&#39;s organizational acumen, collaboration skills, leadership skills, people management skills, and management of work.</p>\n",
"heroMessage": "Online Psychometric Test For Managers - Hire The Right Candidate With Managerial Potential",
"keywords": null,
"releventIndustries": "infotech,healthcare,ites,bfs,insurance,fmcg,hospitality,retails,manufacturing",
"tags": [
"useCaseName": "Others",
"useCaseSubTags": {}