Custom fields for Email Notification for Certification Platform

Custom fields for Email Notification for Certification Platform

An email notification will send to the candidate email id on the basis of the Passing criteria either on Percentage or Performance Categories. The email notification can be customized. 

Below are the custom keys that can be added to the email notification template.

Types of keys:

  1. Applicant Name:{applicantName}

  2. Applicant Email:{applicantEmail}

  3. Test Name:{testName}

  4. Report Button:{applicantReportButton}

  5. Percentage Score: {percentageScored}

  6. Absolute Score: {absoluteScored}

  7. Performance Category:{performanceCategory} 

1 - 4 can be used for both Performance Categories and Percentage criteria of passing. 5 - 6 can be used in Percentage and 7th will use in Performance Categories.

  • Below is the sample template of the notification email for Passing criteria percentage.


Below is the mail sent to the candidate using the above template:

  •  Below sample template for notification email for Passing criteria Performance Categories.

Below is the mail sent to the candidate using the above template: