8. Create Assessment

8. Create Assessment


This  POST  API is used to create an Assessment.

Request Header

contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'

Request Body



This is your Public-API-Key, which Mettl uses to identify your account.


This is the current UNIX or Epoch Timestamp (the number of seconds between 1970-01-01 00:00:00 and current UTC Time). Any current generated Timestamp will be valid for 24 hours only.


This is a unique Signature which has to be generated for each API request.

The Signature is generated by creating a String-to-Sign and hashing it with your Private-API-Key using  the HMAC-SHA256 (for version v2 and v3) or HMAC-SHA1 (for v1) hashing algorithm with Base-64 and URL encoding.

Read more about the above Signature Generation Process in  API Authentication and Signature Generation .


This is a JSON string containing the details of the assessment to be created. The format for the JSON is given below

 POST  request syntax:
Request URL:
Request Body:

JSON ( assessments )

Format of JSON string to be passed in query parameter  assessments  can be found in the table below. This JSON describes the details of the assessments to be created.
Note: In the  assessments  JSON, a property can become mandatory or optional depending on other properties, but  properties  highlighted with the color yellow are always mandatory.

PropertySub PropertySub PropertyDescription

Name of the assessment. This string is always mandatory and has to be unique for each assessment in your account.

Duration of the assessment in minutes. This integer is only mandatory when each section does not have its own duration  and should be more than 0.

Instructions shown before and during the assessment. This string is optional and accepts HTML tags as well with the default value being blank.

Determines whether copy and paste is allowed in the assessment. This boolean is optional and is false by default. 

Link or URL to redirect the test-taker after assessment finishes. This string is optional and is blank by default.

Determines whether the report is shown to the test-taker after assessment finishes. This boolean is optional and is false by default.

Determines whether an on-screen scientific calculator is available to test-taker during the assessment. This boolean is optional and is false by default.

Sections in the assessment. This list of nested JSON(s) is always mandatory
Name of a section in the assessment. This string is always mandatory.
Duration of a section in the assessment in minutes. This integer is  only mandatory when the assessment does not have its own duration  and should be more than 0.
Instructions of a section shown during the assessment. This string is optional and is blank by default.
Determines whether all questions in a section are mandatory. This boolean is optional and is false by default.
Determines whether questions will be randomly selected from the skills in a section. This boolean is optional and is false by default.
Skills to be added to a section of the assessment. This list of nested JSON(s) is always mandatory.

nameName of the skill to be added to a section. This string is always mandatory and only accepts the names of the skills already added in your question bank.

levelDifficulty level of questions in the skill to be added to a section. This string is always mandatory and only accepts the levels available in the skill, i.e., either "easy", "medium" or "difficult".

questionCountNumber of questions in the skill to be added to a section. This integer is always mandatory and should be more than 0 but less than or equal to the number of questions with the given difficulty level and question types in the added skill .

questionPoolingDetermines whether questions will be randomly selected from the skill. This boolean is optional and is false by default.

questionTypeType of questions in the skill to be added to a section. This string is optional and only accepts the question types available in the skill, i.e., either "AllType", "MCQ", "MCA", "SHORT_ANSWER", "FITB", "LONG_ANSWER", "CODE", "SQL", "CS", "CP", "FES", "TS" or "FU" with the default value being "AllType".

correctGradeMarks awarded for correctly answering a question. This floating point decimal number is always mandatory and should be more than 0.

incorrectGradeMarks deducted for incorrectly answering a question. This floating point decimal number is optional and should be less than or equal to 0 with the default value being 0.

For easier readability, the sample  assessments  JSONs below have pretty formatting, but in your actual request and for signature generation, they should be ideally minified.
1) Sample  assessments  JSON with only mandatory properties:
"name": "Assessment Name",
"duration": 10,
"sections": [
"name": "Section Name",
"skills": [
"name": "Skill Name",
"level": "easy",
"questionCount": 10,
"correctGrade": 1

2) Sample  assessments  JSON with all properties:
"name": "Assessment Name",
"duration": 10,
"instructions": "Instructions for attempting the assessment",
"allowCopyPaste": true,
"exitRedirectionURL": "www.samplewebsite.com",
"showReportToCandidateOnExit": true,
"onScreenCalculator": true,
"sections": [
"name": "Section Name",
"duration": 10,
"instructions": "Instructions for attempting the section",
"allQuestionsMandatory": true,
"randomizeQuestions": true,
"skills": [
"name": "Skill Name",
"level": "easy",
"questionCount": 10,
"questionPooling": true,
"questionType": "MCQ",
"correctGrade": 1,
"incorrectGrade": -0.25


Request without Signature
a.  POST  request URL, with request body  ak  ,  ts  and  assessments  but without  asgn  (Signature)
Request URL:
Request Body:
ak=ab12c345-6789-0123-456d-78e9f0123456&ts=1635976200&assessments={"name":"Assessment Name","duration":10,"sections":[{"name":"Section Name","skills":[{"name":"Skill Name","level":"easy","questionCount":10,"correctGrade":1}]}]}

b. Creating a String-to-Sign, calculated with Method + Endpoint + Request Bodyin new lines and in ascending order of the parameter name (i.e., the new line characters "\n" followed by values of  ak  ,  assessments  and  ts  in order, for this example)
String-to-Sign = "POST" + "https://api.mettl.com/v2/assessments" + "\n" + "ab12c345-6789-0123-456d-78e9f0123456" + "\n" + "{"name":"Assessment Name","duration":10,"sections":[{"name":"Section Name","skills":[{"name":"Skill Name","level":"easy","questionCount":10,"correctGrade":1}]}]}" + "\n" + "1635976200"
c. Output of the String-to-Sign created above
{"name":"Assessment Name","duration":10,"sections":[{"name":"Section Name","skills":[{"name":"Skill Name","level":"easy","questionCount":10,"correctGrade":1}]}]}
d. Private-API-Key to sign/hash the above String-to-Sign using HMAC-SHA256 (since API version is v2)
e. Output of the generated Signature for  asgn  using the String-to-Sign and your Private-API-Key, hashed with HMAC-SHA256 (Base-64 and URL Encoded)
Read more about the above Signature Generation Process in API Authentication and Signature Generation

Request with Signature
f. Final  POST  request URL with request body  ak  ,  ts  ,  assessments   and  asgn  (URL Encoded)
Request URL:
Request Body:
ak=ab12c345-6789-0123-456d-78e9f0123456&ts=1635976200&assessments={"name":"Assessment Name","duration":10,"sections":[{"name":"Section Name","skills":[{"name":"Skill Name","level":"easy","questionCount":10,"correctGrade":1}]}]}&asgn=Au9naXK5Da%2BSjQLkcLSHtMD8iJy9QzIXKB2oSmV8RrQ%3D


Upon making a successful request, if there are no errors, you will receive a JSON in the given format
"status": "SUCCESS",
"assessmentId": 999999