At Mercer | Mettl, “Compensatory Test Time” is a feature that we provide in the test taker’s experience for differently abled test takers, who might require additional test time.
Compensatory test time setting is only applicable when all sections of tests are untimed. In addition, this is available only in new RR/ New Test taking experience.
How to enable this feature?
Enabling Compensatory Test Time for Single Test-Taker:
Step 1
• This setting can be enabled from the assessment settings. It is named “Enable Compensatory test time”. To enable this feature, select the check box just next to “Enable Compensatory test time”
• Click on “Save” and proceed.
Step 2
• Now we need to provide the intended test taker’s details (E-mail ID and Name).
• Select the check box just next to “Accessibility Assistance.”
• Add the required extra time in minutes where it is asked “Add time (in minutes)”
• If the test-taker is intended to be notified with an email, then select the check box next to “Send email notification.”
• Click on “Share Link”
• If the test-taker is not intended to be notified with an email, click on “Provide access.”
[Note: “Candidate details – Prefilled” is usually selected in this case. Select the check box just next to “Candidate details – Prefilled” to enable this option]
Enabling Compensatory test time in Bulk Upload for Participants
Step 1
In the Bulk upload Excel, mark” YES” in Excel against the column for Compensatory time, for the participants where compensatory time is required.
Step 2
Now, Compensatory test time can be added before inviting the test-takers to the test. Additional test time provided here would be added to the test time of all those test takers for whom “YES "was marked while bulk-uploading the participants.
Step 3
In case a different Compensatory test time is to be provided to certain candidates that were bulk uploaded, then the below option can be used, and respective additional test times would be allotted to the candidates.