At Mercer | Mettl to invite/map the test-takers on a test link in bulk, we can create “Test-Taker Banks” which has the relevant data for multiple Test-Takers.
Steps to create Test-Taker Banks:
1. Open the “Test-Takers Bank” page by Clicking on the “Account Settings” icon on the top right corner and select “Manage Test-Takers">” Test-Taker Banks.”
2. We can add Test-Takers in two ways -
a.Manually Test-Taker Addition
b.Bulk Uploading
Manually Test-Taker Addition
To manually add a Test-Taker, we need to create a Bank by selecting the Bank language.
We need to Provide a unique name for each bank and click on the add button.
(Candidate Bank Name should be Unique)
(Note – Candidate Bank Language should be same as assessment language)
Click on “View Candidates”
and Test-Takers Bank will open. On the top right corner, two options
will be visible “Bulk Upload Candidates” and “Add New Candidate.”
Click on “Add New Candidate”
and a pop-up window will open; fill up the relevant details (Mandatory
Fields will be marked with asterisks). Click on the “Ok” button.
Test-Takers will be added
to the Bank and to add more Test-Takers repeat the same steps.
Bulk Upload-
In Bulk Upload, two options are available in Mercer | Mettl platform.
• Single Candidate Bank
• Multiple Candidate Bank
Single Candidate Bank Creation:
The following steps should be followed to create Single Candidate Bank -
1. Click on “Download Template” to proceed further.
2. Choose “Template Language” from the drop-down box.
3. Click on “Single Candidate Bank” to select the type.
(Note – We need to select the Template Language which should be same as the Assessment Language.)
4. After clicking on the “Download” button the following Excel Sheet will be downloaded.
After putting in the information, we need to save the excel file to initiate the next step.
3. On the Test Takers Bank Page click on Upload Template Bank a pop-up window will appear.
4. Select the Language (Which should be the same as the language selected while downloading the Template).
5. Select the “Single Candidate Bank” button.
6. Enter a unique candidate bank name (special characters should not be included) after which the Bank’s Name will be visible right beside the “Choose File.”
7. Now clicking on Choose File a pop-up window will open where we need to select the updated template to upload and click on Open.
8. At the next step we need to upload the data by clicking on “Choose File "and selecting “Single Candidate Bank.”
9. After the successful attempt of uploading the following window will appear.
Refer to the attached image below for the same.
10. In case any erroneous data is filled in, the file will not be uploaded, and an error file will appear with the highlighted portions to be rectified.
11. We can rectify the files and update by clicking “Get Error File” and after downloading it, we can have ideas around the erroneous file to update it again without error.
Multiple Candidate Bank Creation
To create Multiple Candidate Banks using a Single Template this feature will be used.
The following steps should be followed to create Multiple Candidate Bank -
1. Click on “Download Template” and the following dialogue box will appear.
2. Select “Template Language” (This should be the same as the Assessment Language.)
3. Click on the “Multiple Candidate Bank "and click on “Download” to save the Template.
4. After downloading the file, the file will have Candidate Bank Name as the first column. Candidate Bank name must be specified for each candidate. Since, multiple banks have been created.
Kindly refer to the below image -
Note - In this excel file the first column will ask for “Candidate Bank Name.”
5. After filling in the required data we need to upload the file in the proper place.
6. After filling in the required details, we need to upload the data by clicking on “Upload Template Bank” > “Multiple Candidates Bank.”
On the “Test takers Bank” window, click on “Upload Template Bank”, a pop-up window will appear.
Select the Language (Which should be same as the language selected while
downloading the Template).
Select the “Multiple Candidate Bank” button.
Now click on “Choose File” and a
pop-up window will open, where we need to select the updated template to upload
and click on open.
11. After the successful upload of the data,
the shared message will be visible.
12. In case any erroneous data is filled in, the file will not be uploaded, and an error file will appear with the highlighted portions to be rectified.