Calculation of Code Score on our Backend Programming Simulator

Calculation of Code Score on our Backend Programming Simulator

At Mercer | Mettl, the Code Score on our backend programming simulator i.e. CodeLysis is calculated as the inverse of a candidate's Cyclomatic Complexity score. This score enables hiring managers to make better and more informed decisions that are not just based on the accuracy of the code written by the candidate. 

Cyclomatic Complexity is a software metric used to indicate the complexity of a program. It is a count of the number of decisions in the programmer’s code. Therefore, the higher the value, the more complex is the code. 

Code Score = 100 - Cyclomatic Complexity Score  

Hence, the less complex the candidate’s code is, higher will be their Code Score and vice versa. In cases where the candidate’s code is highly complex, the score could be 0 as well. 
We at Mercer | Mettl currently support the calculation of Code Score on our backend programming simulator i.e., CodeLysis for all coding languages except for the following: 

  • Bash 5

  • VB

  • Elixir

  • Dart

For the above-mentioned languages, the score is currently reflected as N/A. 

 For all programming languages except scripting languages, the Code Score will only be calculated and displayed as "Not Calculated" if the candidate's code did not compile successfully.