Mercer Mettl 360View: Managing a Live Survey

Mercer Mettl 360View: Managing a Live Survey

While a survey is Live and participants are filling in, there are many options available for the survey Admin. Below is a description of what all is possible:

Options available to Survey Admin at survey level:

Participants Tab:

  1. Monitor the survey's participation and completion rate and take appropriate actions like sending reminder emails, ad Hoc emails, extending survey completion date etc.
  2. Make sure all participants have received the invitation email by filtering out such survey participants from the tool or acting on the email received for failed deliveries. 
  3. Change survey Name, look-up for a specific Seeker’s details, view completion status for each Seeker w.r.t. to any specific provider. 
  4. View/download the raw data available for the survey for - 
    1. All raw data for the survey.
    2. Feedback Ratings received on a relationship level.
    3. Survey Response status
  5. Bulk Upload more survey participants via excel.
  6. Add, modify, reset, remove a participant’s details.
  7. Download reports of certain individuals.
  8. Bulk download reports of all or a few Feedback Seekers on that page.
  9. Share report with the respective Feedback Seekers or/and participants of a certain relationship through email.

Analytics Tab:

  1. Upload more data for the Feedback Seekers to see deeper analysis of the ratings received. This data can be on various dimensions like Location, Band Level, Years of Experience, Department etc.
  2. Use filters on the dimensions to see graphs and insights for Feedback Seekers belonging to a certain Location, Department etc.

Report Setup Tab:

  1. Update report settings such as:
    1. Report Benchmark
    2. Minimum No. of Responses for Report Availability
    3. Password Protected Reports
    4. Minimum Responses per Relationship
  2. Update Report Configuration settings applicable to below parts of the report:
    1. Overall report
    2. Introduction Page
    3. Competencies
    4. Strength and Areas of Improvement
    5. Detailed Feedbacks
    6. Development Plan
    7. Comparison Ratings
  3. The survey template name for the current survey is also visible here. 

Settings Tab:

  1. Change email templates for the emails to be sent to survey participants. This can be -
    1. Invitation email template (to be sent to anyone newly added to the survey).
    2. Reminder email template.
    3. Ad Hoc email template.
    4. Share Report template.
    5. Self-Nomination invitation email template (Self-Nominations survey only).
    6. Request for Approval (for cases where Approver is added; Self-Nominations survey only).
  2. General Settings:
    1. Request Feedback Seekers to share their data for Group Analytics
    2. Opt-out option to Feedback Providers
    3. Rename Self Relationship name
  3. Self-Nomination survey Settings: 
    1. Choose Relationship-wise Nomination Criteria
    2. Allow Feedback Seeker to update nominations

Activity Tab: 

  1. View activity logs of all the major actions taken in the client account by various users.

Options available to Survey Admin at survey level:

  1. Update platform language (English or Spanish).
  2. Change Account Setup:
    1. Add/Update/Delete relationships.
    2. Update Account level email templates (which will be applicable from new surveys only). Email templates available for set-up are:
      1. Invitation email
      2. Reminder email
      3. Ad-Hoc Reminder email
      4. Survey End Date updation email
      5. Self-Nomination Intimation email
      6. Request for Approval email
      7. Share Report email
    3. Grant roles and access rights to sub-users of the account.
  3. Setup reports at account level. (which will be applicable to new surveys only).

Options available to Survey Participants and Approver at survey level:

  1. Go through the email and click on the link received to fill the survey.
  2. Go through the list of Feedback Seekers for whom they need to provide the feedback. 
  3. Fill in the survey for the participants for whom they are the feedback provider. They can fill the surveys on the go using their mobile phones. 
  4. Leave a survey mid-way and complete it anytime while the survey is Live. 
  5. Keep a track of the surveys that they have already filled and surveys that are yet to be completed (using the link in their invitation emails).
  6. Opt-out of filling the survey for some participant in case the setting is made available to them.
  7. For Self-Nomination flow:
    1. Nominate their Feedback Providers
    2. Update their nominations in case the setting is made available to them.
    3. Approver can approve/edit/delete the Feedback Providers nominated by some Feedback Seeker.